MEDICHEM PORTAL is a software application, that MEDICHEM, Ltd. started to develop in 2008. In early 2009, the first version was made available to our clients as a free of charge to serve and included in the basic fee price.
The application allows the client using a standard PC and Internet connection to manage online medical preventative examinations in relation to work in real time, and send the information to the physician, who will perform well-defined tests.
Other feature of this unique PORTAL, among many other things, will enable the client online access to all documentation relating to occupational health service of the client. All this data is saved and stored on the company server and the client has no need to deal with their archiving either on your PC or in printed form and particularly has them whenever and wherever available.
MEDICHEM PORTAL is constantly evolving, new features are added, enhancements prepared - of course, based upon the requirements and comments of our clients.